Wednesday, February 13, 2019

DMIC PD (Session 1)

Current challenges:
  • We have a full NE class however they are yet to be assessed - is this a challenge or perhaps
  • These children are coming to grips with being at school and are responding really well to play
situations, and many are just learning to follow instructions and focus for any length of time

Current successes:
  • The children respond really well to stories especially stories in which they feature!

What are you doing now that you were not doing at the start of the year?

What are your students doing now that they were not doing at the start of the year?

Focus on justifying and arguing mathematically this year. One of the talk moves that we need
to focus on is wait time.

Encourage the use of ‘so if’, ‘then’ and ‘because’. Use revoicing more often.

So don’t say, e.g., what did you do next? Rather ‘then’.

Developing generalisations:
Looking for rules or relationships, eg, solving multiplication problem using repeated addition, and
another group has used multiplication. Or can you now multiply by 10s, 100s, 1000s?
Recognising and describing patterns and connections is when children are really starting to

Remember to call a pause, at appropriate moments (e.g., right at the start when most groups
haven’t even figured out how to start). Call attention to a group which really knows what they’re
doing, and get them to describe how they actually started. You can even go to a group which
is way off track, and get them to start to explain and then say to them, “I disagree with that.”
And walk away.

Have a week of exploring, in advance of a theme (e.g., fractions). Have an area where they are
asked, e.g., how many ways can you show a half?

Warm up is not related to the problem - quite separate.

Look at the child as a whole rather than what stage they’re operating at?
What is assigned value?
As teachers, we need to raise the status of some students and lower the status of others  
(it’s not about upsetting that child).
The teacher isn’t just addressing the Maths.
Read BES on Maths.
BES exemplar 1: Developing Communities of Mathematical Inquiry
Read the reading about Complex Instruction.
Read the Jo Boaler article. It reinforces mulit-dimensional classrooms. They have complex
tasks for their students. They value effort over ability.

Select a goal (Teacher Practice) for feedback. The ones on the framework that are in bold
are suggested.

Lesson structure Juniors: timing

Warm up: 20 minutes (whole class - could be split)
Group norms/launch: 5-10 minutes
Paired problem solving: 5 minutes
Large group discussion: 5 minutes

Give next level, same context, different numbers
Paired problem solving: 5 minutes
Large group discussion: 5 minutes
Connect/Making connections to the big idea: 10 minutes

Teacher role: anticipate, monitor, select, sequence, connect.

Always give a context for the problem (cultural, in school - this raises status).

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