Beliefs About Writing
- What do we believe is important in writing? What should be our non- negotiable agreement around writing? What are our shared beliefs? (Refer to Effective Literacy Practice).
- Documentation: What do we already have?
- Next steps: What is the most important thing we need to focus on right now. What will make the biggest difference to our children?
- Terminology - WALTs and success criteria. What do we mean by these terms? Are they the same at each level of the school? What does research say is good practice? BES Exemplar
- Assessment of Writing: What is good assessment in writing? How can we use e-asTTle more effectively to inform our classroom practice? What is currently being used at each year level? (Link back to Assessment Online/TKI/Progress Indicators and exemplars?)
- Writing Resources:
- The Writing Hub TKI
- Teaching Writing - Sheena Cameron
- Murray Gadd ( online resources )
- Literacy online (especially the Writing Hub)
Our Beliefs about Writing
What is non-negotiable?
We believe that:
- writing happens every day.
- learning intentions and success criteria should be displayed and available to students.
- sharing and unpacking exemplars takes place regularly.
- modelling of writing takes place regularly at all stages of the process, and is accessible for the children.
- the writing programme includes timely (weekly) and effective feedback and feedforward against the learning intentions and success criteria, and time to act on the feedback. Feedback is given to individual children, not just as a group
- what/how much, if any, written feedback is to be included in books (ie as evidence of, or after, verbal feedback is given at the time of writing)
- good writing practice includes opportunities to revise and proof read.
- writing should have a purpose and an audience.
- children should have opportunities to make choices and decisions when engaged in writing.
- motivation is the key to good writing.
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