Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Literacy PD 22 June 2021

 Dyslexia and Cognitive Load:


  • Ashraf Samsudin; Mandy Nayton both spoke at the Sounds-Write Symposium 2021 which Lisa 'attended'
  • Dyslexia: difficulties which result from a deficit in the phonological component (a difficult in a person's ability to process sound); this is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction; 2* consequences incl problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience
  • Identifying features of dyslexia: slow and effortful word reading and spelling and difficulty understanding the meannifos what is read

CL Theory:

  • difficulties: phon. processing; rapid automatised naming; working memory
  • Long Term Memory: requires context; helps us solve problems and make sense of things
  • STM only lasts for seconds e.g., introductions
  • Working Memory: both stores and processes info at the same time; 5 year olds 1-2 items
  • Cognitive Load = effort/energy used in WM

Implications for teaching and learning; effective learning therefore requires:

  • explicit and systematic instruction
  • sequential phonics instruction
  • oral reading that is supported with specific consistent error correction and feedback to aid fluency
  • repetition/repeated exposure - spaced practice and regularly retrieving info; repetition is key
  • explicit instruction in vocab, reading comprehension, spelling and writing
  • dual coding is giving instructions both visual and verbal simultaneously
  • bring attention and active engagement to the task

What does SL look like across the school?

  • team members described the programmes as they operate across the range of teams.
Lisa is going to organise a time when those interested will be able to join her to listen to the Sounds-Write symposium presentation she referred to today. I've emailed my commitment to attend!

Literacy PD 22 June 2021

  Dyslexia and Cognitive Load : Overview: Ashraf Samsudin; Mandy Nayton both spoke at the Sounds-Write Symposium 2021 which Lisa 'attend...