In the case of unfocussed behaviour, remind children of the norms. Remind them about the story - give them something, like 'draw 4 tents.'
Try not to preload too much during the launch. Resist sharing a strategy at this point.
Use the time to notice and give social coaching.
Raising the status/mana is crucial.
Who is over participating and who is under participating? How to redress the balance? e.g., physically give the pencil to the other buddy, or do some social coaching (e.g., Savannah and Skye)
Share (scaffold from simplest to more complex)
- start with materials or a picture first
- repeated addition and
- skip counting
- multiplication
- always if there's someone who isn't much of a participator if they've done anything give it 'ari time' to raise their status
Connect (teaching at the end):
- Compare strategies (same different), e.g., repeated addition vs. Multiplication
- Address any misconceptions/confusions
- Do a generalization, e.g., a big understanding like when adding the numbers will always get bigger and when subtracting the answer will always be smaller
- Teach them something new
Choose one of these and do this at the planning stage. Plan something for each but at the connect stage, choose the one which is most appropriate.
What's going well:
- The use of the Talk Moves
- The children's use of the Norms and their routines
- Good level of challenge in the problem
- The children are being prompted to ask if they don't know or understand, e.g., "Pause, please. Can you repeat because I don't understand."
- Children selected the best materials themselves
But try to make the problems really appropriate and relatable. This helps the children realise the Maths doesn't just happen at school.