Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Oral Language feedback: Jayne Newbury

Thank you, Jo, for sharing the following notes with us following Jayne's meeting with us on Tuesday afternoon.
Jayne shared back with us, having come to visit and observe/listen during one of our Learning Through Play sessions. Her feedback was of immense value, giving us much information about what we can be expecting of normally-developing language and articulation in our 5 year old children.
We were provided with a copy of Jayne's slideshow.
Preschool strategies and how to have very rich conversations was a talk given at the COL last year
Some strategies for younger children can be used at preschool
Difference between early development and conversational language.
Some sounds will still be developing but shouldn’t be for long eg th, sark for shark.
By 8yrs should be fine. Exception of th as f or v. Research shows it is becoming a NZ dialect.
Model and prompt re sounds.
Sometimes need specific structure which is passed the teacher time.
Occasionally teachers can make it worse, but you will notice.
Lisping is normal. 'Dun' for 'thumb' is error not happening at this age.
At school literate language will be more complex introducing more language.
Talk to learn for chn who don't have basic vocab and can’t talk in decent sentences.
Can talk it wouldn’t be useful. Can help with participation eg have skills but don’t participate.
Oral language groups - sometimes don’t make a difference. Keyu is quality programme and
quality support for the TA and that it gets delivered as it should be.
Time given. Eg 4 times a week 30 mins it has to be delivered.
It will develop expressive language, but not receptive language.
Check the programme meets the need.
In small group they might have different goals eg listening in a group - might happen in reading
group doesn’t need to be explicit language group.
During discover time target children who need conversational support.
Lots of opportunities for incidental conversation.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

PB4L Session 1

Introduction by Anna, on behalf of the PB4L team

  • observations and questioning on April 1 when people visited the teams

  • looking at preventative measures across the school
  • long journey (4-5 years)
  • not an easy journey necessarily, but one we'll move through at our own pace
  • video: stuck in the mud!
  • bullying has been shown to be at worrying levels throughout NZ schools (and some preschools)
  • Purpose Statement: worked in teams
  • let's start with basic manners and the way we talk with each other as a focus with our children

Literacy PD 22 June 2021

  Dyslexia and Cognitive Load : Overview: Ashraf Samsudin; Mandy Nayton both spoke at the Sounds-Write Symposium 2021 which Lisa 'attend...