Wednesday, March 27, 2019

DMIC PD Part 2

What are the Key Features of DMIC?
  • Group norms
  • Launch
  • Misconceptions
  • Generalisations
  • Connections
What are the Teacher Talk Moves?
  • Add on
  • Repeat
  • Revoice
  • Turn and talk
  • Wait time
  • Agree disagree
The natural state of a mathematician is to be stuck - persistence is the key.
Children need the chance to explore and solve problems their own ways. All students will benefit if asked to solve a problem they've never seen before.

How to change status? Change your pairs/groups daily or weekly. This will avoid someone being locked in with the same person all the time and ending up thinking, this is the way things need to be.

Problem solving group-worthy tasks are really great with the development of concepts (see the chart that has all of the Big Ideas). To learn central concepts Ss need to interact, discuss, clarify, justify about big concepts.

How can you make mathematical connections to your students' home cultures?
  • flags are presented in welcome assemblies 
  • different flag on the flagpole each day
  • parents are invited in to speak
  • wellbeing survey - team building on sharing of culture
How can I build on this in terms of incorporating the cultures of Japan, Sri Lanka and China?

Add to the end of any problem: Be ready to argue and prove how you worked this out.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Nathan Wallis 21/03/19

On Wednesday, March 21st, teachers throughout Christchurch were lucky enough to be able to attend a 1 1/2 hour talk, given by Nathan Wallis, following the terrorist attack on Friday, the 15th. Nathan gave us highly valuable information about how best to manage children's feelings and behaviour in the wake of such an appalling event.
My notes were jotted in the back of my diary...

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Kinetic Letters PD

Sue - Kinetic Letters, Part 1
Sue's TAI last year confirmed the beliefs around body strength, pencil grip, etc.
Last year teachers photocopied the children's work at the beginning and at the end of the year. The
programme had had a huge impact.
The programme frees up working memory leaving the children free to concentrate on creativity.
Begin with the red and green sections of the handbook (body strength and pencil grip).
The first 3 weeks need to focus on finger dexterity exercises, and at the same time picking up the
pencil (20 minute sessions); children sit in a circle and pass around a cup - everyone gets a pencil;
we need to be SO quiet to learn how to pick up a pencil.
Hand and finger strength activities (pg. 3): deliberately teach these activities so that the children
are very aware of the purpose of each before putting the activities out at Learning Through Play time.
Learning the Letters: 5 families:
The Jumper Letters (helps with p/q confusion because p is a jumper letter); Island Adventure is the
book to support the jumper letters.
The Abracadabra family ('d' is an abracadabra letter so this helps with the b/d confusion.
The Window Washers (each letter has a little flick)
Move it, Say it, Write it (move it - make it big while standing, medium while kneeling, using a finger
on the carpet - from gross to fine motor movements).

Literacy PD 22 June 2021

  Dyslexia and Cognitive Load : Overview: Ashraf Samsudin; Mandy Nayton both spoke at the Sounds-Write Symposium 2021 which Lisa 'attend...