My language is the thing that's important to me - its the window to my soul.
Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria. The way that i say it, the way that i do it, really empowers me.
Use the Pathways goal-setting method.
Becoming a sleep scientist
(Best thing is for the teacher to become one too)
- Gather data
- Ask questions
- Make goals
- Trial strategies
- Analyse data
The Sleep Scientist booklet needs to the children's own. Nothing to do with handwriting or correct grammar.
1. Gathering the data takes about a week. This happens over 3 nights (M, T, W). Sleep slip tracking described.
2. Routines (or lack of) feelings, issues are discussed in pairs or small groups.
3. Goal setting (e.g. sleep longer, improve quality of sleep, wake up less often, get to sleep faster, stop my nightmares (some children may want privacy in this area), sleep by myself, stop wetting the bed put myself to bed).
4. MarupÅ (is night/dream in te reo) M=Motivational, A=achievable. R = relevant, U = understood, P=personal, O=options (there need to be multiple ways of achieving the goal) - Research shows that children NEED to have ownership over their goals.
Example of a pathway goal:
To be in bed by 10 p.m.
Possibility 1: try to have all chores done before baby...
Possibility 2: try to have baby in bed by 7 p.m.
Possibility 3: try to have chores done by 9, and if they're not done, stop anyway.
All 3 pathways don't have to work - if only one works, goal achieved.
Week one evaluation:
Sleep Summary
WWW - what worked well
EBI - even better if
Does your goal need tweaking?
Week 2:
How could you evaluate progress?
Week 3:
As above
The Big Finale:
- Celebrate
- PJ day
- Assembly
- Prinicpal
- Open classroom
- Parent session
- Class treat